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I'm Jenne ( that sounds like Jen not Jenny/ Jean or Jenaye).  I am a 40 y/o young lady who loves to spend time in my kitchen, a self proclaimed foodie and I'm freaking hilarious ...seriously I need my own show.


I am all about living your best life,being body positive, I love all things beauty related, girly and DISNEY!  I am 99% sure I am Disney Villain, hubby agrees.


I have been following the KETO way of eating off and on since 2017, most of my posts will relate to Keto.  I will also share some of my other life loves along the way.


Jenne H, Queen of this Blog,

Self Proclaimed foodie

Super funny gal,

Disney obsessed,

Lover of all pretties


Visit my Cousin Chars Blog for lots of great workout tips!


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