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  • Writer's pictureJenne

Whelp...I fell of the wagon hard!

The last time I posted I was really feeling the Keto way of life. I lost 30lbs, modified my body shape and was full of energy. Fast forward to Vacation in late 2018, I ate my face off in Florida. I excused this behavior by saying the food is part of the vacation experience for me. I excused this behavior by clocking 30k steps a day walking my favorite malls and theme-parks. Excuses excuses.

Now fast forward to 2019....I spent most of the year on and off weight fluctuated up and down up and down by the end of the year I just gave up trying anymore. I avoided the scale, but I could feel the physical changes.

In the spring of this year I my little cousin/sis Char asked me why I stopped eating low carb. She told me that I was one of the reasons that she started following this lifestyle. She reminded me of how successful I was and that I helped and inspired so many. So at my heaviest weight ever, 296 lbs, I decided to focus on my health again. Not because I felt fat, ugly, sadness or hatred toward myself but because I felt achy, lethargic, bloated and generally unwell.

I still struggled. I was off and on carbs and no carbs feeding my food addiction by the time Friday rolled around only to restart keto on Monday. It wasn't until I introduced Pruvit Pure Therapeutic Ketones into my day that I was really able to help myself. My NAT/OS drinks allowed me to be a little more flexible with my diet, provide me mental clarity and loads of energy. I have been able to stay in ketosis and maintain a loss of 2.5lbs a week since early June.

I am not here to sell you a product (though if you want some I can help). I am here to tell you that the journey is neverending. The spark is always flickering! Stoke it until you feel that inner fire ready to burn. It's time for you to ignite that inner fire and make it happen.

If you have any questions or doubts or even some friendly advice I'm here, reacb out any time!

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